Brian Dawkins And Smitty, Two Legends Of The Game, Finally Sit Down To Talk About Their Time On The Gridiron

Weapon X. The Wolverine. Brian Dawkins. I gratefully jumped at the rare opportunity to sit down with favorite athlete/human of all-time…and instinctively made him watch my high school football highlight tape. Why? I still don’t really know. But kudos to Dawkins for being an absolute gem of a person. You couldn’t meet a more gracious, humble individual who beautifully rolled with the punches. He’s impossible not to like. Just look at this infatuation:

Find someone who looks at you the way I look at Brian Dawkins. Maybe just a little less creepy.
And, yes, Brian. You’re doggone right I’m including my entire high school football highlight film in this bad boy. At least this time it’s relevant to the glory days. Usually I have to steer the conversation in the direction to whipping out the highlights. Have you ever taken the topic involving early 14th century Renaissance art and turned it into talking about that one time against Conestoga you read the option so well you almost intercepted the pitch? Exactly. That’s what I call talent. Wasted talent, but talent nonetheless.

Link to the glory days greatness

Where are the D-III football highlights, you ask? Um…when your team wins only 12 games in 4 years (4 victories in the two seasons you actually played), there ain’t no highlights. I regret nothing*. Solid flow, though.

*And by I regret nothing I of course mean I almost everything. Really, really, really wish I went to a big time school and partied my dick to the bone. Only way to live college life.

PS – Foo Fighters were, and are still the shit.

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